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Cluster University Srinagar Zoology Honors/Integrated Entrance Previous Year Solved Question Paper

Cluster University Srinagar || Zoology Honors/Integrated Entrance 2021 Most Important Solved MCQS / Objectives 1. Binomial Nomenclature Was Developed By (👉 PDF Link is Given Below(Last Page)) A. Linnaeus B. Mendel C. Darwin D. Deveris Ans: A. Linnaeus 2. What Does ICBN Stands For ? Ans: international Code of Botanical Nomenclature 3. Which One of the Following is a Basic Unit of Taxonomy? A. Species B. Bacteria C. Protozoa D. Sporozoa Ans: A. Species 4. Capsid is an example of? Ans: Virus 5. Escherichia Belongs to? A. Monera B. Cnideria C. Sponges D. Nematoda Ans: A. Monera 6. Kala-azar is transmitted by? Ans: Sandfly. 7. Paramecium is? A. Oval B. Slipper Animalcule C. Ciliate D. Parasite Ans: B & C . Slipper Animalcule & Ciliate 8. Diatoms Belongs to? A. Euglinoids B. Chrysophytes C. Slim Mould D. Dinoflagelates Ans: B. Chrysophytes 9. Rhizopus Belonges to? A. Ascomycetes B. Basidomycetes C. Phycomycetes D. Deuteromycetes Ans: C. Phycomycetes 10. Which of the following is a deadly mushroom? A. Agaricus B. Amantia C. Pleurotus D. None of the Above Ans: B. Amantia 11. Which of the following is a Walking Fern? A. Funaria B. Adiantum Caudatum C. Aspergillus D. None of the above Ans: B. Adiantum Caudatum 12. Sea Anemone has? A. Radial Symmetry B. Bilateral Symmetry C. Spherical Symmetry D. Pentamerous Symmetry Ans: A. Radial Symmetry 13. Canal System is a Characteristic Feature Of Phylum…? Ans: Porifera 14. Collar Cells are Characteristic Of? Ans: Sponges 15. Hyalonema is Also Known as? Ans: Glass rope Sponge 16. Hydra is? A. Triploblastic B. Diploblastic C. Protozoan D. None of the above Ans: B. Diploblastic 17. Metridium Has? A. Biradial Symmetry B. Spherical Symmetry C. Radial Symmetry D. Bilateral Symmetry Ans: C. Radial Symmetry 18. Compound Eyes are Characteristic of Phylum? Ans: Arthropoda 19. Cockroach Can be Placed in Phyllum? Ans: Arthropoda 20. Which of the following is a Chordate? A. Gold Fish B. Silver Fish C. Cuttlefish D. Star Fish Ans: A. Gold Fish 21. Placoid Scales are Present in ? Ans: Dog Fish 22. Hippocampus is Commonly Known As? Ans: Sea Horse 23. Arrangement of leave is Known as? Ans: Phyllotaxy 24. Superior Ovary is Found in? Ans: Hypogynous Flower 25. Jute Fibres are made of? Ans: Phloem Fibres 26. Which of the following are Bone Forming Cells? A. Chondroblasts B. Choanocytes C. Osteoblasts D. Porocytes Ans: C. Osteoblasts 27. Ligaments are: A. Nervous tissue B. Connective tissue C. Muscular tissue Ans: B. Connective tissue 28. Function of the ligament is to? Ans: Connect Bone to Bone 29. Which is the largest bird? Ans: Ostrich 30. Development of fruit without fertilisation is Known as? Ans: Parthenocarpy 31. Pleiotropism refers to? Ans: Single gene regulating Several Phenotypes 32. Four types of phenotypes in F2-generation are possible in? Ans: Dihybrid Cross 33. Sex Determination in Birds is Of? A. ZZ ZW Type B. XX XY Type C. XX XO Type D. N.O.A Ans: A. ZZ ZW Type 34. Which of the following hormones stimulates Sertoli Cells? A. STH B. ACTH C. Progesterone D. FSH Ans: D. FSH 35. Leydig Cells Secrete ? Ans: Testosterone 36. Mast Cells Secrete? Ans: Histamine 37. Term Gene was coined by? Ans: Johansen 38. Point Mutation refers to? Ans: Change in a Single Base pair 39. Basis of Evolution is? A. Species B. Population C. Individual D. Cell Ans: A. Species 40. Shape of antibodies resemble which Letter? A. Y B. K C. Z D. O Ans: A. Y 41. Which of the following is correctly matched? A. Sericulture-Fish B. Apiculture-Honeybee C. Pisciculture-Silk moth D. Aquaculture-Mosquito Ans: B. Apiculture-Honeybee 42. Which of the following hormone inducing root Culture? A. Auxin B. Gibberellin C. Cytokinin D. Ethylene Ans: A. Auxin 43. Plasmids are used in? Ans: Gene Cloning 44. PCR is Used in? Ans: DNA amplification 45. RNA is the Genetic Material Of? Ans: Virus 46. Benthos refers to? Ans: Organisms living at the Bottom of Lake 47. The term ' Ecosystem ' was Coined by? Ans: Tansely 👉 Click Here: TO DOWNLOAD PDF

Cluster University Srinagar Zoology Paper Paper Previous Paper Zoology Honors Question Paper Zoology Integrated Question Paper Zoology Integrated Solved Question Paper Location: Gogji Bagh, Jawahar Nagar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir

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